Newsletter and Website
Alumni and Friends
Hicksville Schools
Hicksville, New York

Latest Newsletter

After graduating HS in 1962 I attended college for 5 years and wound up with a graduate degree in Electrical Engineering. I married Linda soon after graduation in 1968. She's the adventurous sort and provided the motivation in our lives to get out and do things. Our four sons came along quickly and we stayed very active with them but always saved time for ourselves to get away to interesting places. All of our travels involved photography. We were never without a camera.

In 2002 we had enough of corporate life and east coast weather so we decided to retire and follow our dream of living in the mountains of Colorado. Our days are filled with activity. In the summer it's hiking, fly-fishing, biking, riding our motorcycles, and photo shoots. In the winter it's downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and photo shoots. In between we travel to see our kids and our 8, (soon to be 9), grandchildren.

For fun and some extra income we started Creative Peaks Photography. We now sell our photographs in print form at and in electronic form at We like to donate our time and work to worthy causes in the area. Our work appears on a CD cover of a collection of songs supporting our National Parks and our prints are auctioned at charity fundraising events.

120 Talon Circle
PO Box 1632
Silverthorne, CO 80498

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