Post Script

This is a little mockery of the Klan, published in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, October 2, 1924:


The photograph used in this article's title block, part of which also was used for the picture of the Kleagle, was NOT taken in Hicksville, but elsewhere on Long Island, at a similar rally. The infant in the photo is a boy of 8 weeks, not one of 11 months, as was reported in the news story about the rally on New South Road.

It is both fascinating and disturbing to look examine this picture. For example, in the shadows on the far right (perhaps an appropriate location) stands a mother, whose young daughter sits on a railing in order to better view the proceedings. One wonders into what sort of adults these small children grew.

Most of the material in this article has been abstracted from news stories which appeared in 1920s in the Huntington Long Islander, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, and the New York Times. Additional material comes from the Suffolk County News for February 13, 1953.

For more information, the following sources are worth consulting:

Temperance, Traditionalism, and the Ku Klux Klan in Syosset-Woodbury

Tom Montalbano

Klokards, Kleagles, Kludds, and Kluxers: The Ku Klux Klan in Suffolk County, 1915-1928, Part One

Jane S. Gombieski

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