
September , 2007     Volume 7 - Issue 11

Class of '57 
50th Reunion



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Class of "57" -  50th Reunion

"Hi", to all of the class of 57 graduates.  We've planned a great reunion.  It may be our last, but we've saved the best for last! 

Here are the dates:  October 5th and 6th, 2007           

Where:   The Hilton, Huntington , Long Island , NY

Here's the Two Day Itinerary: 

1.  October 5th: Check in.  Open dinner at hotel, area restaurants, or the "Donkey Club", your choice.   All meet in the Hilton Lobby at 7:30pm. The Hilton has picked a nightclub, "The Donkey Club" within a few blocks walking distance, for a night of dancing to our favorite music of the 50"s, a night of camaraderie.  They have great food too!   Don't stay up too late, big day on Saturday.

2.  October 6th:  Continental Breakfast (Complimentary) for all of you early risers:  6:30 to 9:30am

3.  October 6th:  1. Fabulous Brunch at the Hilton.  All meet in the Lobby at 10:45am for a sumptuous brunch

4.  Homecoming at Hicksville High!  Yes! The treat of treats, let's all go to the football Game.  We've rented a bus (holds 50 people), or if we need two (I hope we do!)  We'll all be at the football field at 1:00pm for HHS's Homecoming Football Game!  Don't eat too many hotdogs! We have a banquet planned for 7:30pm that night.

5.  Reunion Banquet: At 7:30pm - Eat, Drink, Dance, talk about your high school sweethearts, children, grandchildren and when you retired, or when you plan to retire, and be Merry!  They say the Hilton's food is excellent, the music will be from the 50's; with a great DJ, who has been instructed to play all the music we listened to, and danced to, at our Jr. and Sr. Prom's.  (Lindy Hop, Foxtrot, Cha, Cha, Cha)  Medical technicians will be standing by to offer special assistance to all those that think they're 17 again!  (Oxygen, Soaking Baths for Inflamed Tootsies, Smelling Salts, etc...)

Click here for a printable form.  
(Print it out and send it to Steve Goldsmith)

***Note:  No need to send your check with your application.  You may pay in advance by September
          15th, or by credit card (all accepted) at time of arrival at the Hilton.  Please, fill out the
        application and send it to me now!  The hotel must have their counts 2 months prior to the
reunion.  Thank You

I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!!!
Steve Goldsmith at tac@cfl.rr.com .

A BIG "Thank You" to Ginny (Mohr) Trombetta.
Without her fantastic help, none of this would've been possible.