Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of 
Hicksville High School   Hicksville, New York

The Editors: Buffalo Bob Casale, '61
Contributing Editors:  Ron Wencer, '64 & Carol McCormick Konen '73
Webmaster:  Roger Whitaker
Editors Emeritus: David J. Rubin - '82, Elliot Gorlin - '63, 
Valerie Pakaluk - '51,
Henry Lichtenstein - '59
Founding Editors: 
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll - '56 & Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden - '60

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HixNews Subscribers Name & Class List

We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current membership: available by clicking here
If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:  

People Looking for People List

We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current list: available by clicking here.
If you wish to add, subtract, or modify an entry on this list, send an email to:  


Two passings affected Project Team members this month and you will see more information on this at the beginning of this month's UPDATE by clicking on the "Honoring Our Veterans" tab of this issue of HixNews.


Given this situation, I have refrained from our normal format for the UPDATE this month.  Instead, we are giving you just an update on Memorial Construction along with a more detailed idea of what the Center Stone of the Memorial will look like.


We will return to the normal format with links to both the Confirmed and Unconfirmed Lists of Names in the 1/1/19 issue.  In the meantime, should you want to review the current lists, just go to last month's issue and click on the links provided as both documents have been updated and do not require a different link. 


As always, should you have any new information to report for either List, particularly to fill in missing data on the Confirmed List, or, should you wish to comment on the Project's status, please email me at


On behalf of the Project Team,


Joe Carfora
HHS 1962                           

Each month, we profile a former student that has submitted a biographical sketch of their life. This month we have highlighted Gerry Barnett from the class of 1964. Many of you have not used the opportunity of sharing precious moments with other classmates. It's not too late to submit a sketch to be included in the Alumni Bio Section (click the link on the left to go to the bios section) of the newsletter. We are including a writeable document that you can fill in on you computer and, after completing the document, forward to