Newsletter for the Alumni and Friends of 
Hicksville High School   Hicksville, New York

The Editors:

Buffalo Bob Casale, '61 David J. Rubin, '82 Valerie Pakaluk, '51
Contributing Editors:  Bob Gillette, '61 & Walter Schmidt, '65
Systems Manager: Henry Lichtenstein, '59
Webmaster:  Roger Whitaker
Founding Editors: 
Pat (Koziuk) Driscoll, '56 & Linda (Piccerelli) Hayden, '60

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We have an organized online spreadsheet that presents our current list: available by clicking here.
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I think this says it all if anyone ever asks why we're putting so much time into getting the HICKSVILLE VIETNAM WAR ERA MEMORIAL constructed, especially the paragraphs I've highlighted In James Webbs Heroes of the Vietnam Generation.  I received this from a good friend of mine who is well aware of what we're doing.
Joe Carfora 1962

Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial - PROJECT UPDATE

November was an excellent month, with 12 new names added to the Confirmed List of Names, for a new total of 1,877!  This well emphasizes the continued need for the help of the HixNews readership to insure we leave no one behind who deserves to be included in this Memorial.


Two months ago we announced the inclusion of Reserve and National Guard members as part of the Memorial, provided they served during the Vietnam War Era and meet all other qualification requirements.  We have already added a good number of these names to the Confirmed List, but if you previously submitted your name, or the name of a friend, who under the old rules was turned down and do not currently see that name on the Confirmed List, please help us by resubmitting it to me for reconsideration.


November's celebration of Veteran's Day on Monday, the 11th, was particularly heartwarming as the media used the entire weekend preceding it to show our nation's thanks for the service of all current and past members of our nation's Armed Forces, a lesson learned from the days when the public often did not acknowledge the service of the Vietnam Veteran when he or she returned home.  


As always, to see the full report on the Memorial's status, please see this month's update by clicking on the Honoring Our Veterans tab of this newsletter.  Clicking on the two links near the bottom of the update will bring you to the complete Confirmed and Unconfirmed List of Names as of the end of November.


We wish each of you and your families All the Best for a Joyous Holiday Season and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2014!   

On behalf of the Project Team,

Joe Carfora, HHS '62

Go to this month's HixNews Profiles and follow the quest to find information about James Wright who was in the class of 1963. The Vietnam Memorial committee members are trying to determine if James was killed in action in Vietnam. If anyone has information, please send a note to or to Joe Carfora at 
Thanks for your help
Buffalo Bob Casale

HD:Glass Menagerie:GM logos:smallest GM logo3.pdf

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                            November 11, 2013

THE GLASS MENAGERIE, a Greenwich Village 70-voice community chorus, brings Bach's Magnificat in D to Soho's historic Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral (Old St. Pat's), corner of Prince and Mott Streets, on Saturday, December 14, at 8 p.m.

Please join us for our glorious 2013 Winter Concert as we raise our 70 voices strong to sing, with guest soloists and, in addition, a Baroque chamber ensemble with young artists from The Juilliard School:

·        Johann Sebastian Bach's monumental Magnificat in D Major

·        Robert DeCormier's suite of Christmas spirituals, Shout for Joy

·        . . . and our traditional Holiday Sing-along

This is our 29th year of singing. Members come from throughout the New York metropolitan area, from all walks of life; many are music teachers. Our founder and artistic director, Dr. Susan Glass, is a member of NYU's Music Education Faculty and a noted music educator.

Tickets are available at the door: $20 ($15 for senior and students).

For more information, consult our website:


The Glass Menagerie's 2013 Winter Concert is made possible in part with public funds from the Manhattan Community Arts Fund, supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

The Winter Concert is also is made possible in part with public funds from the Fund for Creative Communities, supported by New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.