Wright, James




HHS 1963

I found a note reminding me that I still needed to confirm the above name as KIA in Vietnam .  The problem is the Virtual Wall on the internet contains 13 James Wright's and I don't have a middle name or initial for him.  Also, from the Wall, I can't associate any of the Wright KIA's listed as having anything to do with New York , let alone Hicksville ; however, service records always indicate where the individual lived when he entered the service and not where he grew up, so this means very little.
I do not have a Class of '63 yearbook to see if James Wright is listed in it and if his listing shows a middle name.  Can you help me here?
James' name was contributed by Walter "Buddy" Weber, also HHS '63, who gave me the listing as KIA, so by copy I'm also asking Buddy to respond and tell me if he knows James' middle name or initial and where he was living when he entered the service.
Joe Carfora 1962

Hello again. Okay...according to the 1963 yearbook, James Wright... 97 Cliff Drive ...homeroom president...newspaper staff...service squad captain.  And I know he was still there as he signed my yearbook.
Take Care

Thanks, Buddy, but without a middle initial to work with, I can't tell if he's one of the James Wright's on the Virtual Wall of KIA's.  There are 13 of them on the KIA list and not one hailed from New York .  I don't doubt your James should be on our list, but I can't verify if he was definitely KIA.  Can you help me here?

Hi Joe...Sorry can't tell you anything else and cannot remember who his friends where or who told me. Funny and I knew him about 10 years and remember where I was when I was told that but by who??? Sorry!!! And gave you all the yearbook information on him.
OK?  Take care and Good Luck.

Thanks, Buddy.  Hopefully, we can confirm the KIA for him somehow.


I'm trying one last resource about finding James Wright's information.

John Wright was in the class of 1960.

I compared pictures of John and James and they look similar.

I emailed Kathy McDonald Corey from the class of 1960 who worked the last reunion for their class.

Does she have an email address for John?

Have not heard back yet.

Take a look at the pictures and see the similarity.

I'll follow up when I have additional information.



               James Wright                   John Wright   "Johnny"

              97  Cliff  Drive                   Business Administration

Homeroom President, Newspaper                 College

Staff, Service Squad Captain

Hello Bob...
Have to believe he was not his brother. I went to the same church as Jim an also was in the same confirmation class at Trinity Lutheran Church on Nicolai Street . Funny...can't remember and do not think I ever saw Jim with John. Well...okay...sorry can' be of more help.

Take Care



There's good similarity, Buff and maybe they are brothers or cousins.  Following are all the Wright's on our current list of names.  There is no John.  Should he be on our list?

Wright, George R.





Wright, James




HHS 1963

Wright, Kenneth E.




HHS 1967

Wright, Robert M.




HHS 1967


I think we've exhausted our search to determine if our James Wright was a KIA.  I have one last shot and that's to ask our volunteer researcher in Hicksville to do a special microfilm search for him, which is my next step. I will also include this in my note to our library researcher, who wishes to remain anonymous.




I searched Ancestry, Legacy, Archives and was unable to find any additional information. There were 3,032 records for James Wright throughout the United States . Crazy!!!

I also heard back from Kathy and she has no information for John Wright.


A note to Elliot Gorlin from the class of 1963...

Can you please send a note to your mailing list asking if anyone knew James Wright?

He was in your class...1963! Walter "Buddy" Weber has provided initial information about James but cannot confirm.

The Vietnam Memorial committee, based on Buddy's comments, thinks that James might have been a casualty in Vietnam .

One of your former classmates might have an answer and we can then close the book on James.

I thought that John Wright from the class of 1960 might have been related but we cannot find John.

It would be nice to get some closure on James.


Buffalo Bob Casale


Our anonymous investigator has uncovered a discrepancy on the middle initial for James Tomasovic.  We have it as "J", but an article in the Hicksville Illustrated from November of 1965 shows it as "V".  Since he was in your class at HHS, do you have contact with him or can you find someone who might be able to confirm his middle initial?



Found his photo in the yearbook.

Here it is...



Need another favor.  The subject person is on our Vietnam List as HHS 1963, but our anonymous investigator recently uncovered a 10/14/65 article saying he graduated HHS in 1964.  The local papers are often wrong.  Can you verify which class he was in for me?



Fred was class of 1964.

His name is listed as a camera shy senior, so no picture.


Thanks for the info on both, Bob.  I will also pass this on to our anonymous investigator who found the discrepancies for us.  Unfortunately, since he/she retired, he/she no longer wants anything to do with computers, so all my communication with him/her is via snail mail.  It's a bit of a pain, but he/she nevertheless remains very helpful to us.
