Feb, 2008     Volume 8 - Issue 5




The Newsletter

Photo Gallery

Birthdays & Anniversaries

New Readers & Returns

Honoring our Veterans

Memory Lane

In Memoria


HHS Hall of Fame


Last month's HixNews


   A stroll down memory lane.................

45 rpm spindles

Green Stamps
Metal ice cubes trays with levers
Beanie and Cecil

Roller-skate keys

pop guns

Marlin Perkins
Drive in Movies
Drive in restaurants
Car Hops

Topo Gigio
Washtub wringers
The Fuller Brush Man
Sky King
Reel-To-Reel tape recorders
Erector Sets
Lincoln Logs
15 cent McDonald hamburgers
5 cent packs of baseball cards
Penny candy

25 cent a gallon gasoline
Jiffy Pop popcorn
5 cent stamps
Gum wrapper chains
Chatty Cathy dolls

5 cent Cokes
Speedy Alka-Seltzer
Cigarettes for Christmas
Falstaff Beer
Burma Shave signs
Brownie camera
Flash bulbs
TV Test patterns
Old Yeller
Chef Boy-AR-dee

Fire escape tubes
Timmy and Lassie
Ding Dong Avon calling


Aluminum Christmas Trees