Biographical Sketch


Barry Wallace    Deborah



What Year did you Graduate?   1968


Spouse/Partner...  Deborah Ribarich Wallace, also the class of 1968


Were you classmates at HHS?  Yes


Where did you meet?  How long ago?   Debbie & I met in Junior High School, 7th grade


Married How Long?  Date Married:   Debbie & I will be married 52 years in 2022


Children/Grandchildren:  Debbie & I have two children, 1 Girl 1 Boy


Where do you currently live?  The Villages in Florida


Favorite Subject in High School:   I hated school, and loved lunch at Wetsons!


Name of my Favorite Teacher:  Mr. Persinger


Favorite Place to meet Friends Outside of School:   Visiting various luncheonettes


Favorite Non-Academic School Club or Activity:   I was a drummer in several bands


Occupation/Trade/Profession:  Manufacturing Engineer


Education Beyond High School :   BA


Military Service:  United States Navy


Hobbies/Pastimes:  I'm an avid golfer


One thing that no one knows about me is...A great question...people would be very surprised of what I accomplished in my career".