Hicksville Vietnam War Era Memorial UPDATE - 1/1/19

As noted in this issue's Home Page, given the unfortunate passings within the Project Team last month and the inability to gain new input during the Holidays from remaining Project Team members, we have little new information to report this month, with the exception of an information correction noted on our list of those who paid the Ultimate Price during the Vietnam War Era, as noted in red in the Killed In Action List, which appears below.

We urgently need reader help in filling in the missing information on the Confirmed List of Names and determining eligibility for the Confirmed List by people listed in the Unconfirmed List of Names.  Please click on the links below to review  both lists and email me with any information you are aware of at jcar4a@aol.com.

Confirmed List of Names:  Click here

UNCONFIRMED List of Names:  Click here



Listed by Date of Death


Name                                                  Rank               Branch       Class           Date            Notes               

O'Neill, James Raymond                  MAJ               USAF    HHS 1940    2/6/63            20+

Walkowski, Paul Douglas                 SP4                 USA      HHS 1961    5/21/66

Tomasovic, Stanley Robert              PFC                USA       HHS 1965   10/28/66

Jackson , Edward Henry                   SP4                 USA      HHS 1965    2/16/67

Hollenbach, Donald Walter             PFC                 USA       HHS 1966   11/22/67

Chomyk, William                              1LT                USAF     HHS 1961    4/22/68         BNR

Giannelli, Alan Robert                     SGT                USA        HHS 1964    9/14/68

Mazzone, Joseph Mark                    SP4                 USA       HHS 1963    9/22/68

Schiavone, Ralph                              1LT                USAF     HHS 1960   10/3/68

Johnson, Kenneth                             SFC                USA        HHS 1954   11/28/68       NBI

Kozma, Carl Noel                             1LT                 USA        HHS 1966   2/22/69

Aldag, William Arthur                     SGT                USA        HHS 1968   2/24/70

Wilenski, Stanley, Jr.                        SP4                 USA       HHS 1962   4/19/70

Stolz, James Edward, Jr.                  1LT               USMC     Molloy 1964   11/18/70

Sawtelle, Paul Coburn                      CPT                USA        HHS 1963   4/16/71

Rausch, Robert Earnest                   MAJ              USAF     HHS 1956   10/9/73         BNR

Wingate, Richard                                                      USN      HHS 1967                         NBI

Waters, Joseph P.                                                    USAF     ST. ANASTASIA            NBI              

Notes:  20+ (years of svc.); BNR (Body Not Recovered); NBI (Non-Battle Injury); information in red is a correction since the last issue