


       Humor Page for August 2016

Florida woman stops alligator attack using a small Beretta pistol  

This is a story of self-control and marksmanship by a brave, cool-headed woman with a small pistol against a fierce predator.  What is the smallest caliber that you would trust to protect yourself?  A Beretta Jetfire testimonial.... Here is her story in her own words:

  "While out walking along the edge of a pond just outside my house in The Villages with my soon to be ex-husband discussing property settlement and other divorce issues, we were surprised by a huge 12-ft. alligator which suddenly emerged from the murky water and began charging us with its large jaws wide open.  She must have been protecting her nest because she was extremely aggressive.  If I had not had my little Beretta Jetfire .25 caliber pistol with me, I would not be here today!  Just one shot to my estranged husband's knee cap was all it took....

The 'gator got him easily and I was able to escape by just walking away at a brisk pace.  It's one of the best pistols in my collection!  Plus the amount I saved in lawyer's fees was really incredible.

His insurance was the big bonus. I'm comfortable now.

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A young couple, madly in love, decided to get married. But as the wedding day neared, both grew increasingly nervous over secret problems they had never shared with anyone.

Privately, the groom-to-be approached his minister. "I'm really concerned about the secret I've kept from my fiancé," the young man said. "I have unbelievably smelly feet. I'm afraid my new bride won't be able to stand them.


"Oh, is that all?" the pastor replied. "Look, all you need do is wash your feet twice a day and wear socks all the time." The groom thought it over and decided it might work.


Meanwhile, the nervous bride had approached the minister's wife. "I'm so worried," she sobbed. "I have really bad breath when I wake up each day. My morning breath is so awful, my fiancé won't even want to be near me.


"Well, I have an idea," the pastor's wife said soothingly. "Set your alarm just a few minutes before your husband wakes up.  Run to the bathroom, brush your teeth, gargle with mouthwash before he gets out of bed. The key is not to say anything until you've taken care of your breath." The bride thought it over and decided it might work.


For several months after the wedding, the couple managed to keep their issues to themselves.


The one morning, the husband awoke before dawn to find one of his socks had come of during the night. Frantic, he searched the bed making lots of noise

His bride woke with a start and blurted out, "What in the world are you doing?


"I was looking for my sock, the young man wailed, "but it seems that you've swallowed it!"
















                  Husband and Wife

Thanks to Barbara DiBella Dowd for the following


Water in the Carburetor...


WIFE:  "There is trouble with the car. It has water in the carburetor."

HUSBAND:  "Water in the carburetor? That's ridiculous "


WIFE: "I tell you the car has water in the carburetor."

HUSBAND:  "You don't even know what a carburetor is.


I'll check it out.  Where's the car?

WIFE: "In the pool"



The Phone....


A young man wanted to get his beautiful blonde wife

something nice for their first wedding anniversary.

So he decided to buy her a cell phone.


He showed her the phone and explained to her all of its features.

Meg was excited to receive the gift and simply adored her new phone.


The next day Meg went shopping.

Her phone rang and, to her astonishment,

it was her husband on the other end.


"Hi Meg," he said, "how do you like your new phone?"

Meg replied, "I just love it! It's so small and your voice is clear as a bell,

but there's one thing I don't understand though..."


"What's that, sweetie?" asked her husband.

"How did you know I was at Wal-Mart?"



He Must Pay....


Husband and wife had a tiff.


Wife called up her mom and said,

"He fought with me again, I am coming to live with you."


Mom said, "No darling, he must pay for his mistake.

                                                 I am coming to live with you.

Children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic school for lunch
At the head of the table was a large pile of apples.
The nun made a note and placed it next to the apples, "Take only one, God is watching."
At the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.
Moving through the line Little Johnny wrote another note to leave by the cookies,
"Take all you want, God is watching the apples."

A couple preparing for a religious conversion meets with the orthodox rabbi for their final session. The rabbi asks if they have any final questions.
The man asks, "Is it true that men and women don't dance together?"
"Yes," says the rabbi, "For modesty reasons, men and women dance separately."
"So I can't dance with my own wife?"
"Well, okay," says the man, "But what about sex?"
"Fine," says the rabbi. "A mitzvah within the marriage!"
"What about different positions?" the man asks.
"No problem," says the rabbi.
"Woman on top?" the man asks.
"Why not?" replies the rabbi.
"How about doggie-style?"
"Of course!"
"Well, what about standing up?"
"NO! NO!" says the rabbi.
"Why Not???" asks the man.
"Could lead to dancing!"

Boudreaux was feeling guilty, so he went to confession. "Father, I kinda took a little lumber from that new construction site."
Priest: "What did you do with the lumber, my son?"
Boudreaux: "Well, Father, my porch, she's had a hole for a long time. I'm 'fraid someone will break their leg, so I fix the hole."
Priest: "Well, that's not so bad."
Boudreaux: "Well, Father, I had a little lumber left."
Priest: "What did you do with it?"
Boudreaux: "Well, my poor dog, Fido, he ain't never had no place to get outta the weather, so I make him his own little doghouse."
Priest: "OK, anything else?"
Boudreaux: "Well, Father, I had a little lumber left. So you know, my truck, she ain't never had no place to get outta de weather either, so I make her a two car garage."
Priest: "Now, this is getting a little out of hand."
Boudreaux: "Well, Father, I still had a little lumber left."
Priest: "Yes?"
Boudreaux: "Well, my wife, she always want a bigger house. So I add two bedrooms and a new bathroom."
Priest: "OK! That's definitely too much. For your penance, you are going to have to make a Novena. You do know how to make a Novena, don't you?"
Boudreaux: "No, Father... But, if you got the plans, I got the lumber."

An old minister had all of his remaining teeth pulled out. New dentures were being made.
The first Sunday, using his new dentures, he only preached 10 minutes.
The second Sunday, he preached only 20 minutes.
On the third Sunday, he preached 1 hour 25 minutes.
When asked about this by some of the congregation, he responded this way:
 "The first Sunday, my gums were so sore it hurt to talk.
The second Sunday, my new dentures were hurting me a lot.
The third Sunday, I accidentally grabbed my wife's dentures and I couldn't shut up."

This is something that happened at an assisted living center...
The people who lived there have small apartments but they all eat at a  central cafeteria. One morning one of the residents didn't show up for breakfast so my wife went upstairs and knocked on his door to see if everything was OK. She could hear him through the door and he said that he was running late and would be down shortly so she went back to the dining area.
An hour later he still hadn't arrived so she went back up towards his room  and she found him on the stairs. He was coming down the stairs but was having a hell of time. He had a death grip on the hand rail and seemed to have trouble getting his legs to work right. She told him she was going to call an ambulance but he told her no, he wasn't in any pain and just wanted to have his breakfast. So she helped him the rest of the way down the stairs and he had his breakfast.
When he tried to return to his room he was completely unable to get up even the first step so they called an ambulance for him. A couple hours later she called the hospital to see how he was doing. The receptionist there said he was fine, he just had both of his legs in one leg of his boxer shorts.