Photo Gallery



I can only send this to people a certain age, since today's people don't have any idea who many of these men were...and that's a pity.


Sterling Hayden

US Marines and OSS . Smuggled guns into Yugoslavia and parachuted into Croatia .
James Stewart

US Army Air Corps. Bomber pilot who rose to the rank of General.
Ernest Borgnine

US Navy. Gunners Mate 1c, destroyer USS Lamberton.
Telly Savalas

US Army.
Walter Matthau

US Army Air Corps., B-24 Radioman/Gunner and cryptographer.
Steve Forrest

US Army. Wounded, Battle of the Bulge.
Jonathan Winters

USMC. Battleship USS Wisconsin and Carrier USS Bon Homme Richard. Anti-aircraft gunner, Battle of Okinawa.
Paul Newman

US Navy Rear seat gunner/radioman, torpedo bombers of USS Bunker Hill
Kirk Douglas

US Navy. Sub-chaser in the Pacific. Wounded in action and medically discharged.
Robert Mitchum

US Army.
Henry Fonda

US Navy. Destroyer USS Satterlee.

Lee Marvin

US Marines. Sniper. Wounded in action on Saipan . Buried in Arlington National Cemetery, Sec. 7A next to Greg Boyington and Joe Louis.
Art Carney

US Army. Wounded on Normandy beach, D-Day. Limped for the rest of his life.
Tony Curtis

 US Navy. Sub tender USS Proteus. In Tokyo Bay for the surrender of Japan .
Charlton Heston

US Army Air Corps. Radio operator and aerial gunner on a B-25, Aleutians .

Gene Autry

US Army Air Corps. Crewman on transports that ferried supplies over "The Hump" in the China-Burma-India Theater.
Rock Hudson

US Navy. Aircraft mechanic, the Philippines.
Don Rickles

US Navy aboard USS Cyrene.
Cark Gable

US Army Air Corps. B-17 gunner over Europe.
Charles Bronson

US Army Air Corps. B-29 gunner, wounded in action.
Ronald Reagan

US Army. Was a 2nd Lt. in the Cavalry Reserves before the war. His poor eyesight kept him from being sent overseas with his unit when war came so he transferred to the Army Air Corps Public Relations Unit where he served for the duration.
John Wayne

Declared "4F medically unfit" due to pre-existing injuries, he nonetheless attempted to volunteer three times (Army, Navy and Film Corps.) so he gets honorable mention.
Audie Murphy

America's most-decorated soldier, who became a Hollywood star as a result of his US Army service that included his being awarded the Medal of Honor.


Would someone please remind me again how many of today's Hollywood elite put their careers on hold to enlist in Iraq or Afghanistan?
The only one who even comes close was Pat Tillman, who turned down a contract offer of $3.6 million over three years from the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the US Army after September 11,  2001 and serve as a Ranger in Afghanistan, where he died in 2004.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I submit to you that this is not the America today that it was seventy years ago. And I, for one, am saddened.