



Thanks to Kathy Koziuk Hannaman for this "Too Funny" Humor!!

Bottle of Merlot

A Man asked a waiter to take a bottle of Merlot to an unusually attractive woman sitting alone at a table in a cozy little restaurant.
So the waiter took the Merlot to the woman and said, 'This is from the gentleman who is seated over there..... And indicated the sender with a nod of his head.
She stared at the wine coolly for a few seconds, not looking at the man, then decided to send a reply to him by a note. The waiter, who was lingering nearby for a response, took the note from her and conveyed it to the gentleman.
The note read: "For me to accept this bottle, you need to have a Mercedes in your garage, a million dollars in the bank and 8 inches in your pants."
After reading the note, the man decided to compose one of his own in return. He folded the note, handed it to the waiter and instructed him to deliver it to the lady.
It read:  "Just to let you know things aren't always what they appear to be, I have a Ferrari Maranello, BMW Z8, Mercedes CL600, and a Porsche Turbo in my several garages. I have beautiful homes in Aspen , Paris and Miami , and a 10,000 acre ranch in Louisiana . There are over twenty million dollars in my bank account. But, not even for a woman as beautiful as you, would I cut off three inches. Just send the wine back."


Thanks to Barbara DiBella Dowd (1962) for the following...

Arguments & Directions

An old man and woman were married for many years.
Whenever there was a confrontation, yelling could be heard deep into the night.
The old man would shout, "When I die, I will dig my way up and out of the grave and come back and haunt you for the rest of your life!"
Neighbors feared him. The old man liked the fact that he was feared.
To everyone's relief, he died of a heart attack when he was 98.
His wife had a closed casket at the funeral.
After the burial, her neighbors, concerned for her safety, asked, "Aren't you afraid that he may indeed be able to dig his way out of the grave and haunt you for the rest of your life?"
The wife said, "Let him dig. I had him buried upside down.
And I know he won't ask for directions."


...and this one, too!!!

 Yesterday my daughter e-mailed me again asking why I didn't do something useful with my time. Like sitting around the pool and drinking Crown is not a good thing.
Talking about my "doing something useful" seems to be her favorite topic of conversation. She was "only thinking of me" and suggested I go down to the senior center and hang out with the guys.
I did this, and when I got home last night I decided to teach her a lesson about staying out of my business. I e-mailed her and told her that I had joined a parachute club.
She replied, "Are you nuts? You are in your 60s, retired, and now you're going to start jumping out of airplanes?"
I told her that I even got a membership card and e-mailed a copy to her. She immediately telephoned me, "Good grief, where are your glasses?! This is a membership to a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club."
"Oh man, I'm in trouble again; I really don't know what to do... I signed up for five jumps a week."
The line went quiet and my son-in-law picked up the phone and said that she had fainted.
Life as a senior citizen is not getting any easier, but sometimes it can be a hell of a lot of fun.


Thanks to Joan Siegl Rudolph from the class of 1961 for this one...

I pointed to two "old farts" across the bar from us and told my friend Bob, "That'll be us in ten years."

He turned to me and said..."That's a mirror, you dumb shit."


And this one too!!!


Just before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked,  'How old was your husband?'

'98,' she replied, 'Two years older than me'

'So you're 96,' the undertaker commented.

She responded , 'Hardly worth going home, is it?

Reporter interviewing a 104-year-old woman:
'And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?' the reporter asked.
She simply replied, 'No peer pressure.'

The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs.

I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape,

So I got my doctor's permission to

Join a fitness club and start exercising.

I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors.

I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour..

But, by the time I got my leotards on, the class was over.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

Know how to prevent sagging? Just eat till the wrinkles fill out.

It's scary when you start making the same noises as your coffee maker.


Thanks to Bob Bittner from the class of 1968 for this one...

A guy took his blonde girlfriend to her first football game.
They had great seats right behind their team's bench.
After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience???
'Oh, I really liked it,' she replied, 'especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents.'
Dumbfounded, her date asked, 'What do you mean?'
'Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was: 'Get the quarter back! Get the quarter back!'
I'm like.....Helloooooo. It's only 25 cents!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks to Ed Delaney for this one...


Thanks to Kathy McDonald Corey class of 1960 for the following...


A man is driving down a deserted stretch of highway when he notices a sign out of the corner of his eye...

He thinks this is a figment of his imagination and drives on without second thought.
Suddenly he begins to realize that these signs are for real and drives past a third sign saying:
His curiosity gets the best of him and he pulls into the drive. On the far side of the parking lot is a stone building with a small sign next to the door reading:
He climbs the steps and rings the bell.
The door is answered by a nun in a long black habit who asks, 'What may we do for you! my son?'
He answers, 'I saw your signs along the highway and was interested in possibly doing business!'
'Very well my son. Please follow me.'
He is led through many winding passages and is soon quite disoriented.
The nun stops at a closed door and tells the man, 'Please knock on this door.'
He does so and another nun in a long habit, holding a tin cup answers the door.
This nun instructs, 'Please place $100 in the cup then go through the large wooden door at the end of the hallway.'
He puts $100 in the cup, eagerly trots down the hall and slips through the door pulling it shut behind him.
The door locks, and he finds himself back in the parking lot facing another sign:

Thanks to Kathy Koziuk Hannaman for the following...

A Husband is Down in Aisle 5...
A husband and wife are shopping in their local supermarket.  The husband picks up a case of Budweiser and puts it in their cart.

"What do you think you're doing?" asks the wife.  
"They're on sale, only $10 for 24 cans" he replies.
"Put them back, we can't afford them" demands the wife, they carry on shopping.

A few aisles farther on, the woman picks up a $20 jar of face cream and puts it in the basket.  
"What do you think you're doing?" asks the husband.   "It's my face cream. It makes me look beautiful," replies the wife. 

Her husband retorts: "So does 24 cans of Budweiser and it's half the price." 
That's him on Aisle 5.
