To contact the editors, email 




Just received the November newsletter, (really good, as usual), and I don't see my name on the birthday list.  I received a card last year and I know that I'm still alive (!) and still living in Hicksville. 

Please add me again (as well as my husband, also a '63 HHS grad).  Thanks.

Gail (Cluxton) Sneyd

Tom Sneyd



Thank you for the wonderful birthday card.  I am blessed with wonderful family and friends.  It was also my one-year anniversary being cancer free, so it was a special day for me. Thank you for all the birthday wishes.

Barbara Leek Favero '65
Satellite Beach, Florida

Editor Note...congratulations on your one-year anniversary.

Warm Regards


Dear HixNews

Thanks to all for the card that celebrated my October birthday!

Rich Delia


Hey Bob

Thanks for asking about yesterday's Hicksville Library Concert. It was an extremely emotional experience for me. I started the show by dedicating the performance to the memory of Charley Gouse, my life-long friend, supporter, teacher and mentor. The hardest part of the Sunday gig was the fact that Charley wasn't there. But performing at home again was was so much fun referring to all the places within a half mile of the library that had so much to do with my success.

My first (non-school) paying gig was a half block away at Trinity Lutheran Church. I remember vividly the fact that all our gigs seemed to end at Frank's Alibi for pizza. The Alibi, too, was right around the corner. And of course, the Junior High was just across the street from the library. That's where I absolutely, 100%, decided to make music my life. My band teachers Henry Gates, Don Sitterly & Val LaGuex were beyond inspirational.

When I played "Tequila", I reminded everyone that I played my first (albeit painful) note on saxophone a quarter mile away at Lee Avenue School.

We had a packed house. Jay Tranchina and his wife Carol helped me by printing & distributing flyers around town and at the show. Jay and my buddy from all those great Hix High stage productions, Steve Weinblatt, was there also, as was Paul Korman, who is the musical director of the phenomenal Dr. K.'s Motown Revue. I was also very happy to see my '62 History teacher Nick Muratore and his beautiful wife Dorothy (both also life-long friends of mine). They came in a few minutes after the show started, and I got a laugh when I introduced them and made a comment about how his showing up late for my show was payback for when I used to be late for his class.

I made it a real HICKSVILLE show...setting up by singing Billy Joel's "Just the way you are" by recalling that when he sang it on SNL. Chevy Chase said, "Our next guest will be missing his 10th High School reunion at Hicksville High School, because he's here with us!" I also did Steely Dan's "Reelin' in the years" noting that the blistering guitar solo on the original record featured my buddy from High School Dance Band, Denny Dias.

But my biggest (and most pleasant) surprise was seeing my original Hicksville Brooklyn Bridge band mates Artie Catanzarita & Jimmy Rosica in the audience. The crowd went wild when they joined me onstage for my last song, "Worst that could happen" (of course!) I don't know who had more fun, the audience or me...but we definitely all felt like we were 16 again!

Again, many thanks for the mention in last month's newsletter.
Tommy Sullivan

PS...The Librarian, Evelyn Pusinelli, took some photos, which I'll forward to you when I get them.


I just wanted to say thanks for the card; it has helped make my day a great one. I also wanted to ask you if and/or how I could post information about my doo-wop group, "Stardust", on the HixNews site. We have a web site (free at Google), If you want to have a look and listen to us. To see us on YouTube: search for stardustdoowop and click on the videos.

 Thanks again!!!
Bob Masone ('62)

  (Left to right: Bob, Chris, Angela, Steve, Marc)

Stardust is an a cappella doo wop group that features the songs of the fifties and early sixties.  We would like to discuss our appearing at your next event. Stardust has appeared at many venues throughout Suffolk County and has received many compliments on our shows.

Please contact us for information.













Thank you very much for the birthday card!

Joan Komar Langlois '61


Hi Bob,

Not sure who all the ladies are. It was ninth grade chorus and was taken in 1962. I only remember one girl's name...Debbie Chapin...4th from left. Maybe some folks can help identify the other girls!

Marilyn Bowles Nejman '66

Hi Bob et al:

You missed my birthday on Nov 6th! ???? Maybe next year???  Looking forward to news of the '60 reunion in December newsletter.....

Lois Chaber

Editor Note: Your birthday greeting is on its way to you!!!

Warm Regards...the Gang at the Hicksville Newsletter


Thanks Bob for the card!   A few days late, but very lovely!! 

Lois Chaber


Kelly Kinsella from the class of 1990 sends us some pictures of Tom Junior (TJ) named in honor of her dad, Tom, who was a retired NYC policeman and who passed several years ago. This is TJ's first Halloween...




 I actually had a ride in an un-restored 1951 Hudson Commodore 6 a couple of weekends ago. With 30,000 miles on the odometer. Not quite as fancy as the Hornet, but sure is roomy. What a blast from the past. My ex-brother-in-law and his son, who we're still good friends with, is a Hudson collector and restorer.

Roger Whitaker, Webmaster

                                                     1951 Hudson Hornet


Thank you for the kind birthday wishes for my daughter Kaitlin (24) and son Joshua (21) and of course mine (age not included LOL!) Paula (nee' Jargo) Bruckner '72

Life goes on my son, but never has it been the same.
Adam Daniel Bruckner, 24 years young.
(April 26, 1982 - September 6, 2006)



I  have never been able to come to a reunion as I have been living in Europe for close to thirty years. Just too far away. However, I will be back in the N.Y. area in July 2010 and understand that a 35th reunion for my class will be held then. Is that right? Could you kindly put me on a list so that I can be informed of any such events?

Thanks so much and wishing you all the best.
Edye Zeig Kasteel '75


To all...

Please pray for our son Eric Botkin who is losing his battle with brain cancer.  After 18 months the disease has taken its toll and he is slipping away each day faster than before.  The Dr's do not expect him to live for very much longer.

Keep him, his wife Hallie and their ten year old son as well as our other children and Dianna strong as they deal with Eric losing ground. He cannot tolerate any more operations and has suffered several small strokes.  At this time he cannot speak anymore due to his frustration in expessing himself in words due to memory and word loss.  He he is going blind in one eye.  He sleeps 20 hours a day and they plan to keep him at home until the time comes for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Chirst, to take him home.

His brain cancer is the most severe and devastating kind, it is terminal and most do not survive the year after diagnosis. Eric has had four operations during this last year to help give him more time.  Dianna is in CA now.  Laura and I were there a week ago and all our kids are going to see him tomorrow.  Jason and Allison are driving in late tonight.  Melissa and Jennifer will go to see him in the morning also.

Hallie has been ill herself with strep throat and is very worn out and she is trying to keep Hunters life as normal as possible during this last stage.  Dianna has been there the last four days to help Hallie out and give her time to recoup and sleep.  They went to the Dr last week and signed a DNR.

I, myself am trying to stay strong for Dianna and the family battling my own illness.  I put all my trust in the Lord that he is not in pain and that he is as comfortable as possible.  I am in constant contact by cell with Dianna hourly it seems.  It is hard to be apart. 

Please keep him and his family in your prayers.

Yours in Christ,
Jeffrey White


To: Linda "Shorty" Piccerelli

Well, the good news is that the issues were found early and addressed. Glad to see that you are on the mend.

Jack H. Bayer '59


Hi Bob,

Thank you for the birthday card!

Your group does a fantastic job with the newsletter. I will be sending you some "rubles" soon, to help defray the cost of putting this letter together. Have a nice Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Very Truly,
Hank Chupka '55


Thank you for my sweet birthday card!

Paula Bruckner '72


If you go to this web site, , you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services. 
How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!

This is a great site. 
Please send a card.


Your Editors


Grandchild 9 is on the way...

Hello to all my friends and former alumni.

Since I wrote last, my oldest grandson, who is 19, graduated from high school and is now in college. Another grandchild will be graduating this year. and then one next year. Wow!!!!

Also, I just found out that my youngest daughter, who is 32, is having her 1st baby in May. In the blink of an eye, I look back and say my children grew up fast. But what is more amazing is my grandchildren grew up faster. Where did the time go..????

Maureen Uss Bensen '64


Are you still in need of a 1962 yearbook?  I have mine and would be willing to part with it if you need it.

Vivian (Goodman) McCraw '62

Editor Note...that would be terrific...and gives me more scannable material.



Are you related to William Powers?


Warm Regards
Buffalo Bob Casale

Bob, Yes I am his niece. He lives in Southern California, Northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe area.  My sister is Anna May Powers Class of 61.

Mickey Powers McCleary Class of 65.  


Hi Everyone,

Thought I'd let you know that last year I was chosen to be in a film/documentary called "Life of an Actress."

Beyond the film, there was also a series shot as the director, Paul Chau, followed me and ten other actresses for a full year to auditions, call backs and actual film/TV shoots. The director has great hopes that "Life" will soon be picked up by one of the TV networks as a series.  If you'd like to see some of what "Life" is about, you can go to the website at You'll also be able to see the first part of Episode One, for free, online starting 11/28/09.

Additionally, he has set up a Facebook Group where each actress, together with actresses in general, can discuss and share info on the acting field. Finally, each actress will be a Guest Blogger writing about their acting experiences and giving updates on what they are doing as I am now. Although I'm not in Episode One, you will be able to see me on the website and in the Trailer.  If you have time, and want to know what the life of an actress is really like, I think you'll enjoy this film.
Hope you are all happy and healthy!

Harri Molese, 1956 



Hi Bob!

Yea, another Sagittarian---HB to you soon, too!!!  My birthday is Dec 16th.

On 6/24/06 I broke my neck in a car accident, so I'm not working any longer. I really miss the work structure and friendships created on the job.

For 22 years I worked as a stockbroker in Boston and then NYC.  I missed my children and grandchildren living in New Hampshire tremendously, so decided to move back to my old house in Danville .

I also changed careers by going back to school and becoming a sleep technologist.  I loved it!!!!!!!!

But, on the way to work one evening my car was totalled by a huge truck (and I almost died with a broken neck.)  So, at 63 I am already retired and on Medicare and Social Security disability.

The good thing is that I get to spend more time with my 3 children and 3 grandchildren.  I also drive to NY as often as possible and stay with family in Bethpage or Syosset.  I also visit my very best friend Laura Adams Shay--also class of '63.

Laura, Carol Marsh Rousillon, and I have been best friends forever, and have had many, many, many fun times together.


            Laura Adams                        Carol Marsh                Arlene Andersen


But, I'm sorry to tell you that on Sept. 4, 2003  Carol died of brain cancer. We miss her terribly, and I know that she was a good friend of yours too. Carol did mention your name frequently several years ago, and she spoke of you fondly. She has 2 daughters who still live in MA. (Jill and Wendy) and several grandchildren. When Carol was diagnosed with cancer she married Dan who was her constant companion for years. They loved each other a great deal and it was what he wanted.

Jill now lives in Carol's old house in Marblehead, Massachusetts with her husband and children. There was a memorial service in a church in Marblehead. Laura and I feel a huge loss when we get together and Carol isn't there too.

What was Joyce's last name before you married her?  (Gabrielsen...her brother, Otto, graduated in 1964...below is Otto with Kathy Saurer Gabrielsen) .

I don't know if I knew her. (Below are some pictures...)


Joyce Gabrielsen '61       Volena Henningsen, Ellen Eichler, Joyce
                                                 Girls Sports Night in 1961


                  Bob Casale & Joyce Wedding Picture

I saw in a previous newsletter that Joyce has Alzheimers. The article also said that you are her caretaker, 24/7.It is really generous of you to take care of Joyce after you two were divorced.

How many children do you have?  You mentioned a daughter Dawn. (My son, Chad , lives in Bethpage and is very active in the fire department. As a matter of fact, he is one of the dispatchers for the department.)

     Dawn and Chad  

Do you have grandchildren?  ( Chad and Cheryl have two boys, Chad Junior (CJ) six and Aidan who is pushing three.)  (Dawn has a girl, Sarah, who is going on five.)

                                  CJ and Sarah



I'm so glad that you have been keeping Hicksville High School in our lives through the HixNews website.

Thank you so much.

Love yah too
Arlene Andersen '63

p.s. On a happy note, I just had a new roof put on my house!!!   Oh yeah! 


I just wrote a memory on "you know you're from Hicksville, NY if," but it's funny.

There was a Spanish teacher my brother had, Mr. Pasquale Marrocco. He hated my brother, Brad Ernst '73, so much. Although I never spoke to him, or had him for any classes, whenever I would pass Mr. Marrocco during the day, he would make the sign of the cross...

Tom Ernst '71


People Looking For People

Barbara Weber Knueppel (61) looking for Volena Henningsen Howe (61)

Editor note...we were able to connect the two because both are subscribed to the newsletter...


      Barbara Weber                  Volena Henningsen


Dear HixNews...
I live in Bonita Springs, Florida.
I attended a neighborhood party tonight and started a conversation with a new neighbor. Well, to my disbelief, she graduated from Hicksville High School. I am a 1960 graduate from Hicksville. My new neighbor and friend is Barbara Weber from the class of 1961 (see Barbara pictured above). We both were so shocked that we could meet someone from our hometown and now live five houses apart. I wanted to share my interesting story with our readers.

Penny (Creegan) Lomas


Dear Classmates

In a recent correspondence with Arlene Andersen, I found out that Carol Marsh Roussilon (1963) passed away in 2003.
Joe Platania, class of 1963) advised me that Larry Trubinski (also class of 1963) died in 1999.

           Larry Trubinski

Do any of you know of others who have passed away? I am trying to set up a listing by class of those who have passed. If you haven't seen the list in the newsletter, go to On the home page, click on In Memoriam Once there, scroll down to see the lists that were started last month. We have added several additional classes.

We get many requests about former students, People Looking For People (that's on the bottom of the home page) and, surprisingly, many have passed away.

This is just another feature of a newsletter that has almost 1,500 readers monthly.

Buffalo Bob Casale, class of 1961
Hicksville High School Newsletter Editor


I heard that Richard Koebele (Class of 1963) died shortly after the multi-class reunion that I attended 11/8/97.

       Richard Koebele

 He had been the principal of a school on Long Island. This news came from Steve Weinblatt (Class of 1962).

Larry Trubinski was in my 1963 class also.

Carolyn Wood Imbrie '63

Hi Bob,

I checked out the list for 1962.  William (Bill) Lodato passed away last year.

              Bill Lodato

He graduated in 1962.  My brother-in law, Raymond A. Saeger also passed last year.  He did not graduate with his class in 1962.  He joined the USAF in April of that year.  I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but they were both in Texas and I saw them all the time.  I was shocked to see Kenneth Chupka on that list.  He was a dear friend in high school. 


              Ken Chupka

Thank you for all you do with the newsletter.  I love reading it and catching up with people from School.  I think it's terrific that you are able to give your time just to keep us all in touch, make us think of the great high school days and smile.

Diane McGuinness (class of '63)

      Diane McGuinness


Anthony Peter Vanacore, class of 1972, passed away April 10, 1989, at the age of 34.  I would appreciate your adding his name to the In Memoriam section.  Thank you.

 Marie Vanacore (sister)

class of 1963


 I got Bob's letter about people who passed on.  I don't know if you have Paul Tava, class of 63 on your list?  Paul survived the 9/11 attack only to die of cancer a few years later.  I don't know the date, sorry.

             Paul Tava

Thanks so much for the super job you guys do for us 1500 alumni.  You all are very special people.

My sincere best and thanks,

Ray Strassburger, 63'

        Ray Strassburger



The 1963 Classmates that I know of who have passed, are Frank DiMelfi.

          Frank DiMelfi

He passed away in 2005, I believe, though not 100% sure of the year and.

Laura Hamma (married Charlie Green of same graduating class).


          Laura Hamma                        Charlie Green

This in addition to Paul Sawtelle, who, sadly, was killed in Vietnam.

I will ask some friends if they have any other names to add. Hopefully, they won't have any!

 Carol Ann Mack Berry '63


Hi Bob

I hope you are doing well. As for myself life is great.

Just to update your list...George Leek passed away sometime in the mid 90's from a heart attack.

                George Leek 

John Cole gave me the update just today when we were talking on the phone.

Well, take care Bob.

Dan Kneiter '61



Is this accurate? Have these classmates really departed? Bob - I am shocked. Please - can you give details of these classmates. I am so upset right now - I just cannot believe the names on your list.

JIMMY (Rerisi) '61


Dear Bob.

I can't believe they are all gone. It makes me so sad to see this. I looked through my yearbook at all of these familiar people I knew for a short time.

God bless their souls.

Ann Colascione Fischer '61

Hi Bob

My best friend - Pat Entenmann.

     Pat Entenmann

Eileen Sheila (Greenberg) Ingala '61


Hi Bob,

I sent this on to my brother, Vinnie, since this was his class. I can't believe all these people are gone!

Do you have a list for my class...1963???

Joe Platania emailed me recently and told me Larry Trubinski from 1963 passed away...I just don't know when.

Helen (Luna) Carr '63



Please add from the class of 1960, John Petree. 

      John Petree 

Bill Ramos


Dear Bob

Dorothy Keegan from the class of 1960 passed away about 4 years ago.

     Dottie Keegan

Please add her name to the In Memoriam file.

Pat Kofahl DeMaria '60


Hi Bob,
I have nothing to add to your list (thank God). How sad that we lost our friends at such a young age.

God Bless you and yours and have a blessed holiday season.
As always, great work on the newsletter.

Lorraine Miltenberg Dalaimo 60'


Bob -
Please add Barbara Allan to your deceased list.

Bonnie (Scharr) Papes '61



I actually can't recall these two names, and at this time I am not aware of any names to add. Also, on another subject.  I have finally located my album from my military years. If you are still collecting photos for the Hicks VietNam era, please let me know. I do not have a scanner, but I can send you some photos with a self stamped return envelope so I can get them back. Please reply with an adress that I can snail mail them to.

Tom Steedman '60

That would be terrific. I'll return them after scanning. Hope you are well. Buffalo Bob


Hello Bob 

Ralph Shiavone died while serving in the military (Air Force, I believe) during the Viet Nam War.

        Ralph Schiavone

Hank Landau '60

Dear Bob,

I'm really sorry to hear about these men's passing so young.

I knew Dick DiLeo. He was a very nice guy and a hell of an athlete.


      Dick DiLeo                  Jeff Muller

I remember Jeff Muller only slightly, mostly from the halls.

Are there obituaries?

Thanks for letting us know.

Denny Tillman '60



Off the top of my head I have two that are not on your list...

Lenny Grumo and John Petree.


     Lenny Grumo           John Petree


I will look in my yearbook and see if I can come up with more names.

Bill Fuchs, '60


A week after our May 2004 reunion for the class of 1961, Doug Moran who was in the class of 1960 and who attended the affair, died from a massive heart attack.

Buffalo Bob Casale


Dear Editors,

Naomi Zuckerman Conners '68 lived next door to me on Beech Lane for many years. I noticed her name in the Nov. newsletter. Could you email her that Susan Makov lost her address? And send her mine? Many thanks.

Susan '70


To: Tommy Sullivan

From: Buffalo Bob Casale

Are there any pictures available yet of your memorable Hicksville Library event?


Warm Regards

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -


I haven't seen any pix yet, but I'm pretty sure the Librarian who booked me took some. Of course, she's on vacation til Dec.1, but I sent a message to her personal e-mail asking if it's possible to send some jpgs in advance  of your deadline. As soon as I get something I'll send it out.

In the meantime I've done 2 more Library concerts, Longwood (Middle Island) and Half Hollow Hills (Dix Hills). What a great far all the audiences have been our age, give or take a few years (toward slightly older), and they LOVE the memories.

I'm getting on the stick to contact all the other LI Libraries...

Keep well!
Tommy Sullivan '63


Vivian Goodman was kind enough to send me her yearbook and I am already using it to scan pictures.

Tucked inside was a clipping from a Florida paper that had the following information...

Mondschein, Francis John, 62, of Brooksville, Florida, passed away on Sunday, October 29, 2006 at Brooksville Regional Hospital.

He was born in Mount Vernon, New York and moved to this area two years ago from Tampa. He was a 1962 graduate of Hicksville High School, Hicksville, Long Island, New York.

Mr. Mondschein was a United States Navy veteran serving as Chief Petty Officer in the submarine service during the Vietnam War era.

He was a member of the Hernando Sportsman Club, NRA, Nature Coast Corvette Club, American Legion Post 186 and he was an alumnus from the USS Bluefish.

Buffalo Bob Casale


Dear Editors:

I saw the posting below today and I don't know how old it is. Do you have an email for Lauren?

Michael O'Keefe


I am the daughter of Hope Lambert, who passed away December 1996. She grew up in Hicksville, NY and always told me how she went to high school with Billy Joel! I am looking to contact people from her graduating class, I think 1968. Unfortunately, she was sick my whole life and I would love to contact some people who knew her in her healthy, happy youth! Truly, the only thing I know is that she was beautiful and lived in Hicksville.  Please help me connect with people who knew her!

Thank you
Lauren Gonzalez (Block)


I was wondering if anyone is planning for a 50th class reunion.  

Please let me know.

John Bagley


Linda and I have developed a new site to display our photography.

It contains many of our better images that have been accumulated over the past few years. We would like you to take a look and let us know what you think. The site allows room for general comments and for specific comments on individual photos.

If you like what you see we would appreciate it if you would share our site with your friends and family. Linda and I are trying to build a following and what better way than to start with our friends and family. There are a lot of images, so take your time and enjoy,

All our Best,
John & Linda

John or Linda Mirro
120 Talon Circle
PO Box 1632
Silverthorne, CO 80498


Hi Friends, I just wanted to share some of the news coverage we received locally following our Walk On. I've attached a couple of articles that have appeared in the media. Although locally we raised about $8000, the division I work with raised over $45,000, all going to benefit homeless children. As we give thanks for our many blessings, I thank you again for your generosity and being part of our success. Happy reading!
 Tina Gardner Kwiatkowski '69

Hi Bob, 
Hope you are doing well. Thank God all my friends from HHS 1961 class are still alive.
One dear friend, who was a HHS 1962 graduate, passed away many years ago: Susan Bloom.

Susan lived in my development and we were very dear friends all through the years.
That's all I know for now; if I hear anything, I will certainly contact you. However, I am hoping that everyone stays well.
Olivia Lepis Schmidt 

Thanks again Bob for the info on those additional people who passed. I e-mailed a note to Olivia to see if I could find out what happened to Sue. She was, also, one of my friends in high school. Who is Olivia 210.
Karen Hubner Jenkens
Olivia is from my class of 1961.

She lives on the island.
love yah bob
Thanks for the photo of Olivia. I don't remember her, but then I have trouble remembering most things. If you have a picture of me from the '62 yearbook

Would you mind sending a copy to Olivia. She mentioned she tries to find people in her yearbook to put a face to the name and she couldn't find me.
Karen Hubner
p.s. I don't know if I ever told you, but in "69 I had a bad car accident which among other things wiped out most of my memories of High School. It's only thru working on the reunion committees all these years and keeping the lists that things are familiar to me, but every once in a while a name will pop up that I do remember, such as Sue Bloom's. Having Janice Breeden Manaskie as a friend helps too, she knows and remembers everything!!!! If I get stuck, I'll call her and ask her if I knew that person or was at that event, and she can usually clear things up for me.

Thanks for sending me a picture of Karen.
I could not find a picture in our 1961 yearbook.
I responded to Karen's email and we have corresponded back & forth.
I was able to fill her in on Susan Bloom's life after HHS.
Stay well. Keep in touch.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Love, Olivia

Thank you for remembering my birthday!

 Linda (Frimmer) Whitlock '58


Thank you for the card. It isn't everyday that you turn 62 and to get a card meant a lot to me. You and the newsletter staff are very thoughtful and I thank you again.

Bob Gerrets  '66

Editor note...62 is a milestone. We've been doing some updating on our In Memoriam page of those who have passed...the history is discouraging. I'm going to be 67 soon and that is another milestone. I still wish Elvis was alive...and many of our classmates.

Buffalo Bob Casale


Dear HixNews

I am a 1966 graduate of Hicksville High. I am not currently married and live in upstate NY.

Loretta McMahon McLaughlin


Thanks for the Birthday card. It has been a wild, long, and fun ride. Hope you and yours are having as much fun as we are.

Your friend
Dave Laney '60



Dear HixNews

My name is Thomas Phon and I am a graduate of the class of 1960. I am married to Renee and we currently live in West Orange , New Jersey . Our anniversary is April 4, 1965 Please add us to your list of alumni.

Tom Phon


Dear HixNews and all our readers...

Vicky and my, annual big volunteer effort for the local Memorial Hospital foundation festival of trees is rapidly approaching.

Both Vicky and I will be pretty tied up starting the evening of Nov. 20 and going through the 29th plus we've got supper guests coming to our house Nov. 30. If we can get as much of the newsletter as possible put together before that, it would be appreciated. It doesn't mean I won't have a little time during that week, but it's an 8 in the morning to 9 at night effort each of those days. I'll have a computer available at the festival, but time to use it is, of course, limited.

Vicky and I decorated three trees last weekend. We've got 2,000 performers in 72 groups that will be appearing.

Roger Whitaker, Your Webmaster


Thank you so much for the birthday card.

Ginny (Wills) Wyer '63


Hi Bob,

Thank you for getting in touch with me.  Ted is one of my most favorite memories of my time at HHS. Tell him I send my love ...

Yes, you may use any photo I have posted. I have been to the HixNews site but not for a while.  I will check it out later today.

Dixie Ray Hamilton '64


My best friend in HS, Ronald Tilly, from class of 1961, passed away about 20 years ago. From a rare form of cancer, as did his ex-wife, Carol.

Mike Bisaccio said I should contact you directly which I am doing. Also, I never gave you any info on myself. Married to my wife of 43 years on 7/23/66. We have 2 boys who still live with me here in Farmingdale. You people put out an excellent newsletter each month. I know the extent of your endeavor as I publish a 16 page newsletter each month. The Knights of Columbus in Farmingdale is the beneficiary of my efforts. I know what it takes to do this each month, especially considering I do it by myself.

George McConnell '61



Dear HixNews

I am a 1968 graduate of Hicksville High School . I currently live in Virginia . Please add my name to your mailing list.

Ed Cochran


Hey Bob and The Gang:

That was by far the best birthday card I've ever received.  Just to be thought about means the world to me.  Keep up the wonderful work you do with "our" newsletter.  You can be proud!

Ellen Boos Bruwer - '54



 I am the daughter of Hope Lambert, who passed away December 1996. She grew up in Hicksville , NY and always told me how she went to  high school with Billy Joel! I am looking to contact people from her graduating class. I think 1968. Unfortunately, she was sick my whole life. I would love to contact some people who knew her in her healthy, happy youth! Truly, the only thing I know is that she was beautiful and lived in Hicksville . Please help me connect with people who knew her!

Thank you

Lauren Gonzalez (Block)

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Dear Editors:

I saw the above posting and I don't know how old it is. Do you have an email for Lauren?

 Michael O'Keefe

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I don't see you on our mailing list for the newsletter. I assume from your note you are a graduate of Hicksville High and that you knew Hope. What class were you in and what class was Hope in??? Were you able to get in contact with Lauren??

Buffalo Bob Casale

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thanks for responding. No -I'm not a grad of Hicksville . I went to Plainview HS class of 67. I dated Hope for a while in 69. Great Lady -my big mistake was going off to college at that time. I have not been able to contact Lauren -no email add.



Dear HixNews

Thank you for sending this card to us.  We will be celebrating our 41st anniversary.

Bob Siegel '62


Dear HixNews

Thanks for the birthday card and the musical interlude...

Susan of Brookfield  (Sue Gray McCotter)

You can't change the wind but you can adjust your sails

              Top Left:                                  Top Right:
     Sue Gray McCotter              Sue's Cousin Marilyn

          Bottom Left:                         Bottom Right:
      Sue's Cousin Jennie      Delores Roman, HHS Classmate 

                    Top: Kathy and Cousin Marilyn from Buffalo

    Bottom: Cousin Jennie from Buffalo , Sue and sister Karen Gray



It was so good to speak with you last evening - Claude sends kisses??  I went to the note that you wrote about me, thanks.  Below is the list that I have of people from my class that have passed away;

Joann Gorman
Doug Moran
Mabel Ann Sassatelli
Eileen Scott
Diane Marie Telesky
Sharon Ward

Also, I know that one of the Schiavone Brothers is gone but don't know if it's Ralph or Phillip.

Hope this helps.
Love, Loocey


Hi Bob,

Thanks so much for the lovely anniversary card!!

Chas and Lorrie Brooks '65


Dear HixNews

Thanks so much for helping to make my birthday special - especially this one!!

Pat Appelman Levitin '62


Dear Bob...

I just remembered Leigh Manelski from our class also died.  

I think it was in the late 80's.

It was actually in 1990 and below is Leigh's instrument panel at the 1990 World Aerobatic Championships

. Aresti Card in Cockpit
The sequence card showing the Aresti code for Leigh Manelski's Freestyle commands his instrument panel, flanked by the airspeed indicator and the altimeter, the two most important instruments in aerobatics.

It was six months after the competition that Leigh, a flying instructor in California and his student were killed in a crash with a helicopter that had Kirk Douglas aboard.

Also, I think I remember hearing MANY years ago that Bruce Ladisic died, too, but you might want to try to verify that before publishing.

Helen Luna Carr '63

I searched the SSDI and found this record....  It probably is Bruce...

love yah bob

Social Security Death Index


Bruce Ladisic




15 Sep 1944


Feb 1980

State (Year) SSN issued:


About three years ago, our US Navy Ceremonial Guard Silent Drill
Team was invited to compete in an International Tattoo in Norway.
The Navy competed against military units from all over NATO and won
first place.

Once you see the video you'll understand why they won.

Hi everyone at Hix News,

Thank you for my birthday card.  This is such a nice thing you do.  

Katie Kennedy
Class of '62


Hi Bob,

We are starting to get off the launching pad re: our 50th reunion next year for the class of 1960. It's hard to believe so much time has passed.  I found some info on the HixNews site and hoped you could give me names of people who were involved in putting other reunions together. Here is the list of objectives and any help and names you can provide would be appreciated:

1. Who handled the fund to provide financial assistance to those who were a little short of money to pay for their ticket?

2. What database for tracking info was used?

    - schedules

    - list of classmates names/numbers/emails/interest level/other (e.g. health issues, special needs, etc.)

3.Copies of contracts they had with the company running their reunions to see what was included and excluded from the support they offered.

4. The person or people who from the class who had assumed full responsibility to moving it forward to learn what worked, what didn't work, lessons learned, etc.

There will be other things we will want to learn about to make life easier for us in going forward. I have not connected with Ann Carmody Burley yet - she is going to call me back - to see where things are from her perspective. Maddy is due back this coming weekend from a cruise and she will get back into it - so, I wanted to gather as much info as possible to review it with her, Ann and Jack Gould.

Thanks for all you do for us all. You have brought the good things about our high school experience back into the world of our 'senior' life.

Kathy McDonald Corey
H- 301-652-0305


Hi Bob

Thanks so much for the lovely anniversary card!!

Chas and Lorrie Brooks '65



I was dinner host, on Thanksgiving Day, for 42 wounded warriors. We had a chance to pray together and reflect on the blessings we share.

The "warriors" struggle to face the challenges of returning to a modest life within a community.

For me, they are my "star clustered constellation" that speckles my life and fulfills our social commitment to help those less fortunate and they are that for sure.

This group with me hails from Maryland (20th Spec Forces); 42nd Div out of New York City; 50th Support Brigade out of New jersey; Tennessee; Georgia; West Virginia; and North Carolina.

Some are bummed up like from a very bad skate board accident, while other, the ones I am very close to are amputees, bilateral amputees and Brendon, a quadriplegic at age 20.

They went forward while many did not have the time to serve.

Life got in the way I suppose.

We all enjoyed the day. So please think of these unknown faces as more get ready to go forward.

Help champion them all.

It is right and proper to think of this "Band of Modern Brothers and yes, Sisters," away from their families but with friends. I ask you all to reflect on their duty for our friend and the pain they share with some 34,000 others who also are wounded warriors all.

Oh, By the way, My special case, Brendon from New York City, was taken back to the wards at Walter Reed Hospital.

He was in pain and had a low grade fever...not good. When he returns, I will forward to you Brendon's picture, with his parents permission, of course (and, yes folks, he is under 21!).

Very Respectfully,

Kenneth J. Strafer
Director, Enduring  



Hi Editors of Hix News,

I am a 1964 graduate of HHS and my brother, Jack (HHS '60), told me about your neat website.  I just finished reading the past 2 months of News Letters, and I recognized a bunch of names.  I would like you to add me to your list of members.  I have been in the Boston area for the past 30 years or so.  If any of my old friends from HHS are up here - or anywhere, please get in touch.

Arnie Gould, Class of '64


My name is Jean Moore Wutter.  I have been searching for a woman who went to Hicksville.  I believe she would have graduated around 1981.  Her maiden name was Joyce Cohen.  She published a fan newsletter for Jan and Dean.  I visited her home 30 years ago.  I would love to get in touch with her again.  Cohen is a common last name and I have no idea if she is married.  If you find her in your alumni, can you please give her my name and address?

Thank You so very much.

Jean "Moore" Wutter
136 High Street   
Monaca, PA  15061



As per Al Merrill's request in the November newsletter, I have attached monument pictures I took right after our Hicksville Veterans Ceremonies.  I am proud to say that my father, George Walden, was one of the individuals who made the Hicksville Veterans Memorial Park a reality.

There are now monuments covering all the wars, including Iraq and Afghanistan.

Al, enjoy the photos.  If I can do anything else, let me know.  

Semper Fi,
Bill Walden

Commander, Hicksville VFW





Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends along Dave's Informal Joke Network.  

All the Best
David Teitel

PS :  Just a reminder, Our Holiday Concert will be performed Saturday, Dec. 5th at 8 pm.  We will be performing at St. Joseph's Church at the corner of Washington Pl. and 6th Ave. in the Village.  Tickets are $20 and $15 for seniors.

Hope to see you there.


Dear HixNews
I want to thank you so much for sending the lovely birthday greetings to me.
It is very nice to know someone is thinking of you on your special day. 
Keep up the
good work. 

Maddy Bianco De Louisa '60