If you have a birthday or anniversary this month and your name is not on the following list, please send a note to editors@hixnews.com and let us know when your special day will happen.
Thanks - The Editors


1 - Pat (Montalbano) Frattini, (FL)
1 - Ken Doris,
1 - Joan Komar Langlois, (L.I.)
1 - Bob Masone, (L.I.)
1 - Christopher (Chris) Williams, (L.I.)
3 - Kathy (McMaugh) Pearce, (NC)
5 - Lorraine Tully, (HX)
5 - David Rubin, (FL)
6 - Bea (Eisemann) Baldwin,
7 - Dawn Casale (GA)
9 - Penny (Creegan) Lomas, (FL)
10 - Paula L. (Jargo) Bruckner, (HX)
11 - Ron Zeier, (FL)
12 - George Ritzler, (PA)
12 - Ellyn (Sternberger) Murphy, (NH)
13 - Les Coles, (FL)
13 - Tommy Ofenloch, (L.I.)
14 - Madeline (Bianco) DeLouisa, (NY)
14 - Hank Chupka, (FL)
14 - Paul Taddonio, (NH)
14 - Joshua V. Bruckner
15 - Tony Genovese, (FL)
15 - Danny Mangialomini, (L.I.)
16 - Chet Nichols,
16 - Katie (Kennedy) Weidig, (L.I.)
16 - Ginny (Wills) Wyer, (FL)
18 - Ellen (Boos) Bruwer, (L.I.)
18 - Bob Gerrets, (OH)
19 - Linda (Frimmer) Whitlock, (FL)
20 - Ellen Finkelstein, (FL)
21 - Bonnie (Kiernan) Fogelberg, (VA)
21 - Patricia (Stephenson) Jordan, (GA)
21 - Pat (Appleman) Levitin,
21 - Joe Ratto, (WA)
22 - Joan (Perduto) Koudakis,
22 - Susan (Gray) McCotter, (HX)
22 - Kaitlin E. Bruckner
23 - Ken Kopher, (MD)
23 - Caroline (Kolff VanOosterwyk) Kelly
24 - Noel (Horowitz) Heinz, (IL)
24 - John Kevin Mulholland, (HX)
26 - Bill Stahley, (FL)
26 - Ron Kelly, (VA)
26 - Valerie (Herold) Chavez, (NM)
26 - Paul L. Korman,
26 - Jeri Daniels, (MD)
27 - Evelyn (Ulmer) Schaaf, (FL)
27 - Harold Buttitta, (FL)
28 - Judy (Manning) Baran, (NC)
29 - Kathleen (Donovan) Agiesta, (L.I./FL)
29 - Sal DeStefano, (NJ)
30 - Cecelia (Schwarz) Horn, (CA)
30 - Barbara (Allan) DiPetrillo, (FL)



11/01/1958 - Phil and Diane Anselmo (MD)
11/01/1996 - Jo-Anne (Butler) and Robert Broccolo (HX)
11/02/1980 - James and Angela Carpinone (NY)
11/05/1966 - Joanne (Picari) and Tom Skelly (SC)
11/05/1988 - Ron and Heather Smith (CO)
11/08/???? - Judy (Topliffe) and Sam Brumit (CA)
11/11/1973 - Virginia (Barricelli) and Carmine Rossi (FL)
11/11/2002 - Vicky (Penner) and Roger Whitaker (IL)
11/18/1989 - Dolores (Oehler) and Tom Garger (HX)
11/18/2000 - Alison (Swanton) and Stanley Mason (ME)
11/21/1970 - Ron and Gail Zeier (FL)
11/22/???? - Lorraine (Ciccarelli) and Bob Cafaro (L.I.)
11/23/1968 - Bob and Mary Siegel (VA)
11/23/1973 - Anne (Kappel) and Frank Byrne (GA)
11/23/???? - Sandy (Sandler) and Jerry Wolfe (FL)
11/24/???? - Chas and Lorrie Brooks (L.I.)
11/28/1970 - Sue (Froehly) and Leonard Teich (TX)