Hail Spring, All Hail the Flowers of a New Season

(Vietnam War Era Memorial Update)

 It is a special feeling to stand on the ground (this side of the grass) and smell the beginning of a new season, a new possibility for the crop that now lies below the ground, building itself to emerge and feed the population.  Our task, our population, is that of identifying our fellow alumni who served in our Armed Forces during that time historians have declared as the time of the Vietnam Era.  Your Committee is finalizing the Master Bronze Plaque for the Memorial and would like to have it cast this summer once we  find an organizational sponsor in Hicksville to become the Guardian of the Plaque until the Memorial can be erected, which will hopefully be sometime in 2010.  This is important since we hope to have the Master Plaque used to attach other plaques as we continue to expand the list of Vietnam Era Veterans we are still trying to contact and collect for this effort.

To date we have roughly 165 names identified and verified as having served during the Vietnam Era (to qualify for the Memorial, one need not have been in combat in Vietnam during the period from February, 1963 to April, 1974, historically defined as the Vietnam Era, only on active duty in one of our Armed Forces anywhere in the world during that time). We are working hard not to miss anyone, so if you know of someone out there who has not submitted his or her name to the committee, please ask them to do so and we'll add them right away.

The next publication of the list in HIXNews will be in May. In the meantime, additional names can still be sent to either Joe Carfora (jcarfora1@nc.rr.com) or Ken Strafer (strafer@starpower.net).  Thanks!!

Folks -

There is a time for words; there is a time for a few words only, and; there is a time for pictures.

Homecomings Of America's War Dead

News media will now be allowed to photograph the homecomings of America's war dead under a new Pentagon policy which lifts the ban put in place in 1991 by President George H.W. Bush. They can photograph the flag-draped caskets if the families of the fallen troops agree.

Taking Chance

When one falls, another brings him home. Kevin Bacon stars in Taking Chance, a new movie from HBO Films and an official selection of the 2009 Sundance Film Festival. Based on the true story of Lieutenant Colonel Michael Strobl, USMC and Lance Corporal Chance Phelps, a young Marine who had been killed by hostile fire in Al Anbar Province, Iraq.

The Tomb Of The Unknowns

"Here Rests In Honored Glory An American Soldier Known But To God"

--- --- Walt Schmidt Veteran Services Officer 
- - --- TOBay's Veteran Services Division 
- - - - "Let No Veteran Ever Stand Alone!" 
--- --- WorkDayTime: 516.797.7875 & 24/7 Voice Mail 
- - --- Anytime: 24/7 Voice Mail 516.799.8300 
- - - - Website: http://www.waltsdorsai.net/  
Ken Sun - Weekly Column: http://experts.longisland.com/veterans 

"To know yet to think that one does not know is best; 
Not to know yet to think that one knows will lead to difficulty." 
- Lao-Tzu 71:1